Student Registration » Student Registration

Student Registration

2024-25 Registration is open and ongoing - please click the button below to register your child and read the instructions carefully to determine which documents below need to be completed in this process.
2024-25 Kindergarten registration is open and ongoing.  2025-26 Kindergarten registration will open Monday, February 10, 2025.  Please see our Kindergarten Registration page for more details (tab at right).
Information about 2025-26 Preschool Lottery and Registration will be coming soon!
2025-26 Registration for Grades 1-12 will open on April 1, 2025.
Notary available by appointment only.
All required documents must be legible copies in order to be accepted.
Hard copies of documentation may be dropped off 24 hours a day at the Memorial School Administrative Offices located at 2195 Riverton Road, Cinnaminson. The drop box is located at the main entrance of district offices to the right of the double doors. If additional information is required, the registrar will reach out by phone or email. The registrar is available by appointment only. 
Please contact our registrar with any questions or to schedule an appointment:


1) Please complete the Homeowners Affidavit of Residency (under Residency Forms) below.  It must be notarized and accompanied by either an a) Agreement of Sale (if you haven't made settlement yet), b) mortgage statement or c) settlement papers.
2) Within online registration, you will upload 3 proofs of residency with your Cinnaminson address.  You have 30 days from the date of registration to provide these documents.  Acceptable documents include:
    • tax bill
    • utility bill
    • driver's license
    • custody court order
    • auto registration
    • insurance document
    • bank statement
    • voter registration
See below for step 3 and beyond.


1) Please complete the Renters Affidavit of Residency (under Residency Forms) below. Page 1 of this document is to be filled out by your landlord. Page 2 is to be filled out by you. This document must be notarized. It must be accompanied by a copy of your leasing agreement.
2) Within online registration, you will upload 3 proofs of residency with your Cinnaminson address.  You have 30 days from the date of registration to provide these documents.  Acceptable documents include:
    • utility bill
    • driver's license
    • custody court order
    • auto registration
    • insurance document
    • bank statement
    • voter registration
See below for step 3 and beyond.


3) Please complete the Records Release Form/s for your child/ren below.  If registering for Kindergarten, you do not need to complete this form unless your child previously attended Kindergarten in a different school district.
4) If your child is classified, please include a copy of the student's IEP.
5) If your child has a 504 plan, please include a copy.
6) Please include a copy of exit grades from your child's previous school.
7) If divorced, please include a copy of divorce decree in reference to custody or court paper indicating sole custody.
8) If changing which parent a child resides with, please include a notarized letter from the other parent giving permission for this change in residency, or court documentation showing change in residential guardianship. If the change in guardianship involves a non-parent, you must schedule a meeting with the child's school principal.
9) Please have your child's physician complete a physical form and return it to your school nurse.  if your child is in high school and may play sports, please use the sports physical form as that is the only one accepted for sports and is also accepted at registration.  If your child is entering PreK or K, please also submit the dental form found at the bottom of the page after clicking the 'physical form' link above.
10) If your child is entering high school, please complete and return the Student Athlete Residency Affidavit form below.  Please return this form to the high school guidance office. Thank you!

Residency Forms

Records Release Forms

Cinnaminson High School Registration Forms (Grades 9-12):