Food Services » Lunchtime - School Payment Portal

Lunchtime - School Payment Portal

Cinnaminson Township Public Schools
School Lunch Program

Cinnaminson Township Public Schools will be using the LunchTime Payment Portal this school year for parents to deposit money to students’ meal accounts.  The LunchTime Portal also gives you the opportunity to track purchases, create reminders and set up automatic payments.  Below is a guide to setting up your student’s account.  If you do not want to pay online and would like to continue sending in cash or check with your student, you are still able to create a username and password to track your students’ purchases and see how much money is on the account.


Payments made online have NO FEES or other charges!


If you would like detailed information, use the “Parent Guide to School Payment Portal”.  This document will assist new users with the most basic functionality of the School Payment Portal.  Any questions or concerns with a student’s account should be directed to Lisa Friedrich, Food Service Director.


To set up your account you can visit

  • Click the green “Parent Login” button, then the green “Create Account” button to set up your account.
  • Enter your First Name, Last Name, email address and a password.  Click the Create Account button located in the lower right corner.
  • You will see confirmation that your account has been created successfully.  Next, click the Login Page button in the lower right corner, then enter your login credentials and click Sign In
  • Once you are logged in, click the Add Student button.
    • Enter the School's Zip Code, 08077, in the field for zip code, then click Continue
    • Available schools will be displayed.  Click on the blue Select to the left of the School name
    • Enter the student’s last name and Student ID number (available in the Genesis Parent Portal), then click Continue
    • Verify the information and click on the blue Add Student to the left of the student's name
  • You will be returned to the Student Access page.  Follow the above steps for each student you wish to add to the account


To make payments to lunch accounts:

  • Visit the LunchTime Portal and sign in to your account:
  • Click the blue button marked Make Cafeteria Deposit
  • Enter the Deposit Amount for each Student listed and click the Continue button.
  • Follow the screen prompts to set up your payment options.





Lisa Friedrich

Food Service Director
