Environmental Health & Safety » Indoor Air Quality

Indoor Air Quality

Cinnaminson Township Public Schools recognize the fact that good indoor air quality (IAQ) is important to the health, comfort and productivity of our staff and students. The District is committed to providing a work environment that is free of recognized hazards and to investigate complaints that may be related to poor indoor air quality (IAQ).

Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) refers to the air quality within and around buildings and structures, especially as it relates to the health and comfort of building occupants. IAQ covers a broad range of issues. Some of the items that fall into IAQ may be temperature extremes, elevated relative humidity, stuffy air, odors, and mold.

The presence of transient odors does not necessarily constitute poor indoor air quality. Transient odors may include smells pulled in on the outside air such as vehicle exhaust or roofing repair work and paint or construction odors within a building. This is not to say that some transient odors will not cause short term headaches or mucous membrane irritation. Generally these odors are short-lived and do not present a long-term health hazard.

Addressing Indoor Air Quality Concerns

Indoor air complaints are investigated by Facilities Operations. Investigations may include temperature, relative humidity, carbon dioxide, mold, etc. Additional parameters may be checked depending on the specific complaint. Repair, equipment modifications, and evaluations are conducted by Facilities or an outside contractor. Special room cleaning and disinfection may be conducted by the building custodial staff when necessary.

If you suspect a problem with the air quality of your work space, please print the Indoor Air Quality Complaint Form (link is below) and submit it to the Facilities Operations office via interoffice mail. This form should be filled out with your immediate supervisor, so that they are aware of the issue.

Concerns related to temperature and humidity should be reported directly to Facilities Operations on their online maintenance request form (SchoolDude)

A complete copy of the District’s Indoor Air Quality Management Program may be found in the main office of each District building. A pdf of the program without appendices can be found below.

If you have any questions please contact the Facilities Operations office at extension 2809.